Founder's References

  • Patents
    • Cargo ships wind propulsion : folding system for rigid articulated wing-sail
    • LNG Bunker mast (with GTT)
    • Trimaran fuel storage, side cargo handling
    • Monohull side cargo handling
    • Monohull green fuel isotainers storage and handling
    • Car carriers fire protection total solution
  • Associations – Membership
    • IWSA – (International Wind-Ship Association) – :
      co-founder (2012-2015) , assisting the Executive Committee
    • EN1474 part 2 and 3 – “Installation and Equipment for LNG – Design and Testing of Marine Transfer System (STS)”
      Member of EN Working Group: initial writing (2008) and revision of Part 2 (2018)
    • ZESTAs – (Zero Emission Ship Technology Association) – :
      Assistant to the founder (March 2019)
  • Other Innovations
    • 1989: offshore fishfarm, Monaco
    • 2003: oil FPSO, newbuild, Mediterranean sea
    • 2005: LNG STS, nowadays undisputed industry standard
  • Publication
    • LNG Industry, Oct. 2014: « LNG goes mobile » with GTT and Arthur BARRET, Manager LNG as Fuel dept.
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